Parents Get The Nursery Admission Criteria Soon Online

Schools in Delhi are busy fleshing out the criteria for the nursery admissions that are scheduled to begin on January 1.
As the schools have been given autonomy, the criteria may differ. Schools will make available the details on their websites as well as on the notice boards in a few days.
“The guidelines will be along the same lines as those of last year. We will ensure they don’t discriminate between students,” said Ashok K Pandey, principal of Ahlcon International School and chairman of the National Progressive Schools’ Conference (NPSC).
As schools have to follow the guidelines in tandem with the Ganguly Committee recommendations, they will have to allot weightage to various criteria out of 100 points. Most schools are likely to allot the maximum weightage of 30-40 points to the neighbourhood factor. But the distance radius may vary.
Between 10 and 20 points may be allotted for sibling and alumni factors, and five points are marked for children of staff. Management quota cannot be given more than 20 points.
There are other school-specific criteria such as first child, single parent, minority and girl child.
Some schools assign weightage to certain communities and for parents serving in the armed forces. “From January 1, parents can download the admission forms from the websites. They have to fill it out and submit it along with certain documents to the school. Parents should not forget to take the acknowledgement slip after submitting the form,” said a principal of school in south Delhi.
Some schools accept forms online. The parents have 22 days to fill out forms and submit it to schools. With the government making it compulsory for schools to upload the data online, parents can check the websites for details, including the list of selected students and those waitlisted.
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