Credit Card Mistakes That Can Prove Costly To You

Credit cards have changed the way people spend their money. With a card, you can even buy things even when you have low bank balance. There are lots of card options in the market like Kotak Mahindra Bank credit card, SBI credit card, CitiBank credit card, HDFC Bank credit card, etc., and therefore, you cannot complain about shortage of options. However, there are some mistakes which should not be committed by card holders. Let's have a look on those-

  • By ignoring terms and conditions: Terms and conditions can be complex for you but that should not become your reason of avoiding them. Many card holders got a surprise when they are told that there is a change in interest rate or there is any fluctuation in annual fees. It is necessary to read all terms and conditions carefully in order to avoid any such surprises. If you have any doubt then it is better to call the customer care executive and get it cleared.

  • Completely ignoring credit card monthly statement: Many people have the habit to avoid reading terms and conditions of monthly statement. It is useful to keep a proper check on your monthly statement in order to find out any discrepancy in it.

  • Paying only minimum dues: Many people have the habit of paying only minimum amount, due to which interest is charged on the unpaid results. Also, it can adversely affect your credit report. 


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